Displaying Apache JMeter™ Aggregate Graph in Application Insights / Log Analytics

How to display JMeter Aggregate Graph in Azure Application Insights / Log Analytics.

To flexibly visualize, analyze, and manage JMeter test results, you can use Azure Application Insights.
This is accomplished by using the jmeter-backend-azure plugin to send the test results to Application Insights.

For this article, let’s take a look at JMeter Aggregate Graph in Application Insight.

Setup the jmeter-backend-azure plugin and sending the test results to Azure Application Insights

Please refer to the jmeter-backend-azure README, which is easy to understand.

Displaying Aggregate Graph with Application Insights / Log Analytics

This section displays JMeter Aggregate Graph in Workbooks of Application Insight.
Note that the table and column names are different between Application Insights and Log Analytics.
This is a mapping of the table and columns referenced in the samples in this article.

- Application Insights Log Analytics
Table requests AppRequests
Columns timestamp TimeGenerated
name Name
success Success
duration DurationMs
customDimensions Properties
  1. Create Workbook of Application Insights
    Open the Application Insights Workbooks to which JMeter is sending the results and click “Empty” in the Quick start.
    Workbooks - Gallery

  2. Add parameters
    To create a selection of test results to be displayed, “+ Add” > “Add parameter” and add the following parameters.

    • Parameter 1

      • Parameter name: DaysAgo
      • Display name: Last ? Days
      • Parameter type: Text
      • Required?: On
      • Add Validations
        • Regular Expression: ^[0-9]+$
        • Match: On
        • Message: Enter a number greater than 1.
    • Parameter 2

      • Parameter name: name
      • Parameter type: Drop down
      • Required?: On
      • Get data from: Query
      • Application Insights Logs Query
        • Time Range: Set in query

        • Kusto

          | where timestamp >= ago({DaysAgo}d)
          | summarize
                  = max(tolong(customDimensions.TestStartTime))
              by name = tostring(name)
          | sort by TestStartTime desc
          | project name
    • Parameter 3

      • Parameter name: TestStartTime
      • Parameter type: Drop down
      • Required?: On
      • Get data from: Query
      • Application Insights Logs Query
        • Time Range: Set in query

        • Kusto

          | where name == "{name}"
              and timestamp >= ago({DaysAgo}d)
          | extend TestStartTime
              = tostring(customDimensions.TestStartTime)
          | distinct TestStartTime
          | project
                  = format_datetime(
                      'yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm:ss'
          | sort by TestStartTime desc

    Once you are done with the settings, choose the appropriate value.

  3. Create Aggregate Report
    Click “+ Add” > “Add query” to add the Aggregate Report.

    • Time Range: Set in query

    • Application Insights Logs Query

      | where name == "{name}"
          and customDimensions.TestStartTime == "{TestStartTime}"
      | summarize
          Samples = count(),
          Average = tolong(avg(duration)),
          (L50, L90, L95, L99)
              = percentiles(duration, 50, 90, 95, 99),
          Min = min(duration),
          Maximum = max(duration),
          ErrorCount = countif(success == false),
          ReceivedKB = sum(tolong(customDimensions.Bytes)),
          SentKB = sum(tolong(customDimensions.SentBytes)),
          StartTime = min(tolong(customDimensions.SampleStartTime)),
          EndTime = max(tolong(customDimensions.SampleEndTime))
          by Label = tostring(customDimensions.SampleLabel)
      | extend s = 0
      | union (
      | where name == "{name}"
          and customDimensions.TestStartTime == "{TestStartTime}"
      | summarize
          Samples = count(),
          Average = tolong(avg(duration)),
          (L50, L90, L95, L99)
              = percentiles(duration, 50, 90, 95, 99),
          Min = min(duration),
          Maximum = max(duration),
          ErrorCount = countif(success == false),
          ReceivedKB = sum(tolong(customDimensions.Bytes)),
          SentKB = sum(tolong(customDimensions.SentBytes)),
          StartTime = min(tolong(customDimensions.SampleStartTime)),
          EndTime = max(tolong(customDimensions.SampleEndTime))
      | extend Label = 'TOTAL', s = 9
      | extend
          tp = Samples / ((EndTime - StartTime) / 1000.0),
          KBPeriod = (EndTime - StartTime) * 1024 / 1000.0
      | sort by s asc
      | project
          Label, Samples, Average,
          Median = round(L50),
          ['90% Line'] = round(L90),
          ['95% Line'] = round(L95),
          ['99% Line'] = round(L99),
          Min, Maximum,
          ['Error %'] = strcat(round(ErrorCount * 100.0 / Samples, 2), '%'),
          ['Throughput'] = iif(tp < 1.0,
                               strcat(round(tp * 60, 1), '/min'),
                               strcat(round(tp, 1), '/sec')
          ['Received KB/sec'] = round(ReceivedKB / KBPeriod, 2),
          ['Sent KB/sec'] = round(SentKB / KBPeriod, 2)
      | project-reorder
          Label, Samples, Average,
          ['Median'], ['90% Line'], ['95% Line'], ['99% Line'],
          Min, Maximum, ['Error %'], ['Throughput'],
          ['Received KB/sec'], ['Sent KB/sec']

    Aggregate Report

  4. Create Aggregate Graph
    Click “+ Add” > “Add query” to add the Aggregate Graph. In this tutorial, display the bar charts of Average, Median, 90% Line, 95% Line, 99% Line, Min, and Max.

    • Time Range: Set in query

    • Application Insights Logs Query

      | where name == "{name}"
          and customDimensions.TestStartTime == "{TestStartTime}"
      | summarize
          Average = tolong(avg(duration)),
          (L50, L90, L95, L99)
              = percentiles(duration, 50, 90, 95, 99),
          Min = min(duration),
          Maximum = max(duration)
          by Label = tostring(customDimensions.SampleLabel)
      | project
          ['Median'] = round(L50),
          ['90% Line'] = round(L90),
          ['95% Line'] = round(L95),
          ['99% Line'] = round(L99),
      | project-reorder
          ['99% Line'],
          ['95% Line'],
          ['90% Line'],
      | render barchart with (kind = unstacked)
    • Visualization: Set by query
      After entering Kusto Query in “Application Insights Logs Query”, set this value to something other than “Set by query” and then set it back to “Set by query”.

    • Chart Settings

      As I wrote before, select “Set by query” in Visualization and “Chart settings” button will appear.

      • X axis Settings
        • Column: Label
      • Legend Settings
        • Show metric info: Off
        • Show series legend: On

    Aggregate Graph

  5. Save the Workbook
    Click the “Save” icon to save the Workbook.

By selecting the parameters appropriately, you will see the following.
Application Insights Workbook - Aggregate GraphJMeter - Aggregate Graph

I explained how to display JMeter Aggregate Graph in Azure Application Insights.

Easy build the JMeter distributed test environment in Azure by
“Load Tester Powered by Apache JMeter™”